Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Si Tenggang's Homecoming Notes

Please do not hesitate to download these notes on Si Tenggang's Homecoming's poem. Bear in mind, these notes are merely helpful, if you do not study them well. So, read and learn, ok?

Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 1
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 2
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 3
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 4
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 5
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 6

Such a busy fortnight....

I haven't had enough time to update this blog due to the hectic time table of mine. Though last week was the school holiday's week, I barely had time for my own selves. I had to rush to Malacca, to fetch my father, who was taken by my younger sister to get a treatment for his problem. Then the only-god-knows-what-it-is-for PTK examination. Due to that, I would like to apologise for my unavailability in updating my blog. See you all later.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another Poem Notes Downloadable

This time around it's the notes for the poem - Monsoon History:

Monsoon history - Stanza 1
Monsoon history - Stanza 2
Monsoon history - Stanza 3
Monsoon history - Stanza 4
Monsoon history - Stanza 5

As usual, just click at the link, and then, it is as good as yours. I hope the notes will be a helpful guide to all to understand the poem better.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

As promised, here I give some notes for English SPM. This time around, I will upload notes for Form 4 Literature component specifically on the Poem - If:

If Notes
If - Stanza 1
If - Stanza 2
If - Stanza 3
If - Stanza 4

Just tap on the link, and download it. I hope these notes will be helpful to all.
Thank You.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What a weekend!

I have yet to upload anything due to a hectic weekend. My father had fall sick so all of a sudden and I had to be back to my hometown. Alhamdulillah, his sickness was not that serious but he had to go through series of tests and treatments.
Because of the abovementioned event, I was not able to do much on this blog. Perhaps, within a few days time, I will be able to be back and try to do something over the matters.
So long, adios....

Saturday, March 7, 2009


It is my honoured to represent this blog to all of you. I happen to create this blog simply because it is a way to share things with others. Most importantly, I hope this blog will get a good response from both students and teachers.
In the beginning, I would try to upload helpful tips on answering SPM (particularly for English 1119) and some notes. Later on, I will try to open some spaces for others to share and discuss anything regarding English.
But all in all, Please Be patient with me since blogging is still a new experience to me, so it will take sometime for me to upload materials.
Anyhow, thanks for being here.