Well, if you said it is, so, it is difficult, but if you said it is not, it will not be difficult. I personally think that English is actually easy to learn. Why? Because we have been exposed to this language for at least 11 years ( 6 years in primary school and another 5 in secondary) plus we watch movies, television series and so many things in English. It's only that we keep on thinking it is difficult, thats make it difficult. You are what you think you are, so, be positive, ok? Why dont you leave any comments towards this? I really appreciate comments especially from my own students and of course, you can write you comments in Bahasa Malaysia, English or make it a 'rojak' kind of comments. Most importantly, this is not our classroom, right?
I added your blog link in our school's blog. check it out.
ReplyDeletehmm first i think that because 'we' watch english movies but read the subtitle, we learn english at school but not practice it, with english period 5 times a week students don't really care because we still have lot of things to study. er actually for me grammar is the most problematic thingy to study. i still have prob how to mixed those tenses.