Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Little bit of REMINDER for me and others

Al-Quran hanya untuk hantaran..

"Sayang, tengok nih. Cantiknya Al-Quran nih. Warna keemasan. Sesuai untuk
kita buat hantaran" pekik Jamilah kepada Nabil..

"Sini pun cantik juga. Warna unggu keemasan. Mana satu kita nak beli
nih" balas Nabil.

Mereka sedang asyik mencari bahan-bahan untuk dibuat hantaran. Tinggal
satu lagi yang masih dicari-cari iaitu Al-Quran yang bakal dijadikan

"Tapi, yang ni lagi best, ada terjemahan arab" keluh Jamilah.

" Ala , awak bukan reti pun bahasa arab" jawab Nabil. Tergelak Jamilah.
Berbahagia rasanya dapat calon suami seperti Nabil. Prihatin.

"Apa yang saudara cari tu. Nampak seronok saya lihat" tegur pakcik
berbaju putih. Jaluran baju ke bawah menampakkan lagi seri wajah seorang
pakcik dalam lingkungan 40-an.

"Oh, kami cari Al-Quran. Nak buat hantaran. Maklumlah, nak bina masjid"
sengih Nabil. Jamilah ikut senyum tidak jauh dari situ..

"Oh. Bagus lah. Adik selalu baca waktu bila?" pakcik menyoal sambil

"Aa... aa.. lama dah saya tak baca, pakcik" teragak-agak Nabil menjawab.
Jamilah sudah di sebelah rak yang lain.

"Kalau gitu, tak perlu lah beli Al-Quran kalau sekadar hantaran. Kesian
ALQuran. Itu bukan kitab hiasan, dik" tegur pakcik berhemah.

"Alah, pakcik nih. Kacau daun pulak urusan orang muda. Kami beli ni nak
baca la" tiba-tiba Jamilah muncul dengan selamba jawapannya.

"Oh, baguslah. Kalau gitu beli lah tafsir Ar-Rahman. Ada tafsiran lagi"
cadang pakcik. Mukanya nampak seperti orang-orang ahli masjid.

" Ala , besar lah pakcik. Kami nak pilih nih. Kiut lagi" senyum Jamilah
mengangkat bungkusan Al-Quran warna unggu keemasan. Saiznya kecil.

"Jangan lupa baca ya" pakcik dengan selamba sambil meninggalkan pasangan

"Sibuk je la pakcik tu" Jamilah mengomel.

Nabil kelihatan serba salah. Mungkin 'terpukul' dengan kata-kata seorang
pakcik yang muncul secara tiba-tiba.!

Hari yang dinantikan sudah tiba. Mereka sudah bersolek. Hari nan indah..
Terlalu indah buat pasangan teruna dan dara yang bakal disatukan.. Nabil
dan Jamilah tidak sabar-sabar menantikan ucapan indah tersebut. Pak imam
baru sahaja sampai.

"Assalamualaikum semua" ucapan salam Pak Imam bergema.

Nabil bagai hidup semula. Dirinya terkejut. Jantung bagai gugur serta
merta. Mungkin tidak percaya apa yang dipandangnya dihadapan. Ahli-ahli
keluarga berebut-rebut bersalaman dengan Pak Imam. Mukanya berseri-seri.
Janggutnya putih. Jubah putih. Rambutnya ada yang berwarna putih.

"Inikah pengantin hari ini?" tegur selamba Ustaz Saad.

"Pak.. Ustaz.. kabar baik, pak... usta.. ustazz.." jawab Nabil mengigil.
Jamilah juga terkebil-kebil melihat kelibat orang yang dikenali di kedai
buku 2 bulan lalu.

"Oh, sebelum tu, saya suka mendengar bacaan adik Nabil. Mudah-mudahan
kita dapat mengambil manfaat dari bacaan pengantin" cadang Ustaz Saad.
Kelihatan orang ramai mengiyakan. Maklumlah, ustaz Saad merupakan antara
orang dikenali oleh ahli-ahli sebagai penceramah tetap setiap hari
Khamis selepas maghrib.

Nabil menelan air liur. Baginya inilah saat paling menyeramkan bagi
dirinya. Peluh membasahi baju melayu satin berwarna putih.

"Ss.. su.. surah apa ustaz?" Nabil cuba mengagahkan diri. Jamilah masih
melihat dari tepi tirai. Memegang kepalanya. Seperti mengagak benda yang
sebaliknya berlaku..

"Oh, ayat yang mudah ja. Baca 3 ayat Surah ArRa'd" kata ustaz Saad
sambil menunjukkan baris giginya yang putih hasil bersugi setiap solat
mengikut sunnah nabi.
Surah Ar Rad

Surah Ar Ra'd

"Apa benda nih" detik hati Nabil.

"Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim..ALL..MAA.. RIII..!!" berlagu Nabil.

Kelihatan gemuruh satu rumah pengantin perempuan. Ada yang keluar dari
rumah menahan gelak. Ada yang mengeluarkan air mata menahan kelucuan.
Ada yang menggeleng-geleng kepala. Ibu bapa Jamilah merah padam
wajahnya! . Jamila h entah ke mana, mungkin berpura-pura ke tandas.

"Baru ustaz tahu ada kalimah almari di dalam AL-Quran. Adik Nabil, cara
bacanya seperti begini : A'uzubillahiminnassyaitaanirrajim...
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. ALIF.. LAMM.. MIMMM... RAA.." kedengar suara
gemersik Ustaz Sa'ad. Orang ramai kelihatan ingin mendengar lebih banyak
lagi alunan irama ALQurannya.

Nabil berasa seperti kilat menyambar kepalanya..

"Nabil, kamu jangan merendah-rendahkan kitab petunjuk iaitu Al-Quran.
Ianya hendaklah dibaca bukan sekadar dijadikan hantaran. Malah lebih
malang perlakuan seperti ini seolah-olah menghina AL-Quran. Beli ALQuran
kemudian menaruh di tempat-tempat tinggi seolah-olah ianya sudah cukup
bagi seorang muslim" tazkirah sudah bermula. Orang ramai memang senang
cara penyampaian ustaz Sa'ad.

"Tinggi mana pun kamu belajar, tiada gunanya kitab yang tidak berubah
ini tidak mampu kamu baca. Kitab ini pasti begini rupanya, ayatnya tetap
sama, kedudukannya tidak sama. Malah, ketahuilah Allah akan menjaganya
sehingga hari kiamat. Nabil, kalau kamu tahu orang-orang yang mengaku
kitab Al-Quran sebagai kitab petunjuk kemudian diabaikan dia pasti
dilaknat oleh Al-Quran itu sendiri. Tetapi beruntungnya orang-orangnya
memanfaatkan Al-Quran setiap hari, membacanya, menghafalnya, mengamalkan
menjadikan hati terlalu tenang walapun dia bukannya seorang yang tinggi
pelajarannya, kaya hidupnya dan sebagainya.." penutup Ustaz Sa'ad sudah
dikagumi orang terutama yang mengikuti ceramahnya.

Hari semakin cepat berlalu.

Nabil sudah melalui hari-hari yang indah. Kitab ALQUran yang menjadi
hantaran pertunangan sudah menjadi diari kehidupannya yang aktif setiap

Pit.. Pit! Jangan lupa datang rumah ustaz malam nih. Kita belajar
sama-sama. Jangan lupa bawa isteri sekali ya Nabil. SMS dari ustaz Sa'ad
tiba. Jamilah senyum disisi suaminya, Nabil..

read dis..

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'When a man ! dies and his
relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by
his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the
shroud and the chest of the deceased.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda : 'Bila seseorang
itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya, berdiri lelaki
betul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki
berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.

Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan
Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya
mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri
ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata,
Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya
diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah
tugasmu.. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia
dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.'

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an,
which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low
voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you
have no grief.'

Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,'Aku
adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara
yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan
Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.'

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from
Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada
Al-Mala'ul A'laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang
dipenuhi bauan kesturi

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement,
before Allah, no other Interce! ssor wil l have a greater status than the
Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :'Di hari pengadilan,
di hadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran,
mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.'

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'.

'Sampaikan pengetahuan dari ku walaupun hanya satu ayat.'

May Allah bestow this favour on all of us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Notes for 'Looking For A Rain God' Short Story

I have quite some free time right now, so, I humbly represent to all of you the latest notes for form 4 short story, of course in the literature component part, entitled 'Looking for A Rain God'. This is a story with sad ending, but if human facing desperation, they always have the tendency to do lots of unexpected things. Okay, enough with my dragging, please download the notes from the link below, as usual, just click and you are on your way of getting the notes. Good luck for your upcoming exam!

Looking For A Rain God's notes

Monday, October 12, 2009

What a hectic life

To those who visit my blog, I would like to thank you all for your support. It is obviously clear that I have not updating my blog for months. Well, that is 100% because of the hectic life of a teacher. Before I became a teacher myself, I have never imagined this kind of life. I thought by becoming a teacher I will have more leisure time to be spend but the reality is a far cry from what i had imagined of. Compared to my previous life, I am able to read one book within a week but since becoming a teacher, I only managed to finish up reading a book within a year! That was quite a fact! To those out there who are going to be a teacher, never assume your life will be easy, it is just as you are in any other field! Ironically, I LOVE TO TEACH but I HATE THIS HECTIC LIFE!!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Another notes

As I promised, here is the notes for the poem 'There's been a death in the opposite house'. Feel free to download it and do not forget, use it wisely.

There's been a death in the opposite house's notes

What in the world......

I was so busy with so many things around me that I was not able to update my own blog till now. The HKSBP, Mid-year Exam, Weddings, Family matters, etc. had cause me to neglect this blog. I am sorry for that. Btw, I will try to upload some more notes for English. My main aim is on the upper form syllabus, specifically on literature. Ok, that's all for now. Hopefully I can write more in the next entry.

Friday, April 17, 2009


To all readers,
I have checked the status of the server 4shared, which is the place where I upload all the files. It was so unfortunate for me because I found out that, all files will be DELETED if the files are not being used; read download; by others. So I really hope those who read and visit this blog, PLEASE download the files as to ensure they will remain intact in this blog. I really appreciate those who support this blog by downloading the notes. Thank You!!!

Some Notes For THE PEARL

Salam to all,
Today, I would like to share with all some notes on the Form 5 Literature Component - Novel The Pearl, by John Steinbeck. Basically, the novel is such a nice one with a lot of actions and of course a lot of literary values. In SPM, a question for this novel is surely to come out, so those who study this novel, must, at least understand the elements of the novel well. Perhaps, the notes that I upload will be able to help you. As usual, just click the link below, download the notes, and the notes are as good as yours.

Character and characteristics
Topic Tracking

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is English a difficult subject?

Well, if you said it is, so, it is difficult, but if you said it is not, it will not be difficult. I personally think that English is actually easy to learn. Why? Because we have been exposed to this language for at least 11 years ( 6 years in primary school and another 5 in secondary) plus we watch movies, television series and so many things in English. It's only that we keep on thinking it is difficult, thats make it difficult. You are what you think you are, so, be positive, ok? Why dont you leave any comments towards this? I really appreciate comments especially from my own students and of course, you can write you comments in Bahasa Malaysia, English or make it a 'rojak' kind of comments. Most importantly, this is not our classroom, right?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Next Poem Notes

Ok guys and gals, here is the notes for Sonnet 18. Just click the link below:

Sonnet 18 Notes

Welcome Back

It has been quite a while since I last posted any entries in this blog. And of course, so many things had happened through out the days. Day in, day out, without realising it, we are now already in April 2009. It seems like we are living a fast track life that time is flying like a rocket to the moon. Of course, for those who care, they really able to see, SPM and PMR are getting near in every seconds that they move through. By the way, if any of you reader out there, is a teacher, I do welcome you to share with me your opinion towards this blog. I really appreciate any comments from you all and if you like to share anything, please do not hesitate to contact me through I will try to upload somemore notes and exercises in this blog as soon as I can. By then, welcome back to my blog. Tq.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Si Tenggang's Homecoming Notes

Please do not hesitate to download these notes on Si Tenggang's Homecoming's poem. Bear in mind, these notes are merely helpful, if you do not study them well. So, read and learn, ok?

Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 1
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 2
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 3
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 4
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 5
Si Tenggang's Homecoming Stanza 6

Such a busy fortnight....

I haven't had enough time to update this blog due to the hectic time table of mine. Though last week was the school holiday's week, I barely had time for my own selves. I had to rush to Malacca, to fetch my father, who was taken by my younger sister to get a treatment for his problem. Then the only-god-knows-what-it-is-for PTK examination. Due to that, I would like to apologise for my unavailability in updating my blog. See you all later.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another Poem Notes Downloadable

This time around it's the notes for the poem - Monsoon History:

Monsoon history - Stanza 1
Monsoon history - Stanza 2
Monsoon history - Stanza 3
Monsoon history - Stanza 4
Monsoon history - Stanza 5

As usual, just click at the link, and then, it is as good as yours. I hope the notes will be a helpful guide to all to understand the poem better.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

As promised, here I give some notes for English SPM. This time around, I will upload notes for Form 4 Literature component specifically on the Poem - If:

If Notes
If - Stanza 1
If - Stanza 2
If - Stanza 3
If - Stanza 4

Just tap on the link, and download it. I hope these notes will be helpful to all.
Thank You.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What a weekend!

I have yet to upload anything due to a hectic weekend. My father had fall sick so all of a sudden and I had to be back to my hometown. Alhamdulillah, his sickness was not that serious but he had to go through series of tests and treatments.
Because of the abovementioned event, I was not able to do much on this blog. Perhaps, within a few days time, I will be able to be back and try to do something over the matters.
So long, adios....

Saturday, March 7, 2009


It is my honoured to represent this blog to all of you. I happen to create this blog simply because it is a way to share things with others. Most importantly, I hope this blog will get a good response from both students and teachers.
In the beginning, I would try to upload helpful tips on answering SPM (particularly for English 1119) and some notes. Later on, I will try to open some spaces for others to share and discuss anything regarding English.
But all in all, Please Be patient with me since blogging is still a new experience to me, so it will take sometime for me to upload materials.
Anyhow, thanks for being here.